Iacocca Hall
Since it was founded in 1995, the department of biological sciences has called Iacocca Hall "home." A part of the Mountaintop Campus of Lehigh University, Iacocca Hall was originally built as the Homer Research Labs for the Bethlehem Steel Corporation in 1958.
Iaccocca Hall is where you will find a partnership between private industry and the university. Within the walls of Iacocca Hall, you will find many researchers hard at work in biological sciences, chemical and biomolecular engineering, bioengineering and education. The building also houses the Iacocca Institute, which focuses on global competitiveness.
Biological sciences faculty research labs, offices, and upper level teaching labs occupy three wings (B, C, and D wings) and 3 floors (Ground, 1st and 2nd floors) of Iacocca Hall.
STEPS (Science, Technology, Environment, Policy and Society)

In 2010 the university opened the STEPS building on the Asa Packer Campus. STEPS provides an interdisciplinary environment where natural and social scientists and engineers work collaboratively. The building features offices for 80 faculty, staff, and graduate students, 50 research and state-of-the-art teaching labs, as well as 10 classrooms, computer labs, seminar rooms, and a 75-seat auditorium.
The fourth floor of the STEPS building is home to the department of biological sciences' introductory core teaching labs, as well as Neurophysiology Lab, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Herpetology.