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Robert Skibbens, Professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University

Bob Skibbens


D211 - Iacocca Hall

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Research Areas

Research Statement

DNA (‘the Blueprint of Life’) must be reproduced, interpreted and modified by cells to ensure survival. In simple terms, DNA interactions can be accomplished in two ways.  One DNA molecule (a chromosome) can become tethered to another DNA molecule.  A prime example occurs during DNA replication.  Each chromosome is duplicated and the resulting sister chromatids (the products of chromosome replication) become tethered together.  Evidence obtained by the Skibbens lab and others suggest that the process of tethering together sister chromatids is coordinated with DNA replication fork and occurs in proximity to other forms of DNA chromatinizations that include histone deposition and condensin recruitment (Images modified from Rudra and Skibbens 2013 J Cell Science).

A second type of DNA interaction occurs when a chromosome loops back on itself to stabilize the assembly of protein complexes at that intersection.  An example here is transcription regulation – different sequences of DNA such as enhancers and promoters must come into registration to facilitate the assembly of protein complexes through which DNA is transcribed into RNA.  Enhancers and promoters, however, often reside on a chromosome at large distances from one another.  DNA looping allows these DNA sequences (E=Enhancer, P=Promoter) to come into close proximity with the base of these loops similarly tethered together by cohesins (Red).  Note that looping is also critical for chromosome condensation, a process through which long, amorphous strands of DNA become compacted into discrete structures (Images modified from Skibbens 2015 Current Biology).

Cohesins are a complex of proteins that stabilize all sorts of DNA-DNA interactions including sister-sister chromatid tethering, enhance-promoter registration and even associations of non-identical DNA sequences across different chromosomes.  As such, cohesins are essential for chromosome segregation, transcription regulation and DNA repair.  Ctf7/Eco1 (and human homologs ESCO1 and ESCO2) is an essential regulator of cohesins of tremendous clinical importance.  For instance, mutations in ESCO family members are associated with aneuploidy (hallmark of cancer cells), cell death and severe developmental defects which likely arise through deregulation of transcription programs required for proper development (Image modified from Skibbens 2015 Current Biology).

The Skibbens Lab actively pursues all aspects of cohesin and ESCO-type protein functions.  While we predominantly use yeast as a model system, collaborations with the Cassimeris and Iovine labs using human tissue culture cells and zebrafish fin regeneration, respectively providing exciting insights into defects that in humans lead to severe disease states including cancer and birth defects. 

Research Funding

Completed Awards
Competitively awarded research grants

National Institute of General Medicine Sciences Grant, 2022-2024
Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator: Robert V. Skibbens
"Novel targets of CRL4 ligase within Cohesinopathy pathways"
Award No. 1R03HD107169-01

National Institute of General Medicine Sciences Grant, 2020-2023
Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator: Robert V. Skibbens
"Novel targets of the Roberts Syndrome acetyltransferase Esco2/Eco1"
Award No. 1R15GM139097-01

National Institute of General Medicine Sciences Grant, 2014-2020
Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator: Robert V. Skibbens
"DNA helicase and replication factor functions in genome maintenance"
Award No. 1R15GM110631-01

National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant, 2011-2014
Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator – Robert V. Skibbens
“Mechanisms of sister chromatid pairing”
Award No. 1R15GM083269-02

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Research Grant, 2007-2010
Basic, Clinical and Translational Research - Division of Tumor Cell Biology
Principal Investigator – Robert V. Skibbens
“Cohesion-dependent Mechanisms of Cancer Progression and Aneuploidy”
Award No. BCTR0707708

National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant, 2008-2010
Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator – Robert V. Skibbens
“Mechanisms of sister chromatid pairing”
Award No. 1R15GM083269-01

National Sciences Foundation Research Grant, 2002-2005
Division of Eukaryotic Genetics
Principal Investigator – Robert V. Skibbens
“Mechanisms of Sister Chromatid Pairing”
Award No. MCB-0212323


Education and Professional Preparation

Carnegie Institute of Washington, Baltimore, MD 
Department of Embryology
Post-doctoral Fellow with Dr. Doug Koshland 

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore MD 
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Post-doctoral Fellow with Dr. Phil Hieter 

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 
Department of Biology
Ph.D. Thesis with Dr. E. D. Salmon 

Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 
Bachelor of Science: Zoology


Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 
Department of Biological Sciences

T Cell Sciences, Inc., Cambridge, MA 

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 
Department of Biochemistry



Research Publications

Singh G, Skibbens RV. (2024). Fdo1, Fkh1, Fkh2 and the Swi6-Mbp1 MBF complex regulate Mcd1 levels to impact eco1 rad61 cell growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics. 7:iyae128. 

Buskirk, S., and Skibbens, R.V. (2022). G1-Cyclin (Cln2) promotes chromosome hypercondensation in eco1/ctf7 rad61 null cells during hyperthermic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. G3 (Bethesda) 12(8): jkac157.

Sanchez, A.C., Thren, E.D., Iovine, M.K., and Skibbens, R.V. (2022). Esco2 and cohesin regulate CRL4 ubiquitin ligase ddb1 expression and thalidomide teratogenicity. Cell Cycle 21(5): 501-513.

Mfarej, M.G. and Skibbens, R.V. (2022). Genetically induced redox stress occurs in a yeast model for Roberts syndrome. G3 (Bethesda) 12(2): kjab426.

Mfarej MG, and Skibbens RV. 2020. DNA damage induces Yap5-dependent transcription of ECO1/CTF7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One. 15(12):e0242968.

Zuilkoski CM, and Skibbens RV. 2020. PCNA antagonizes cohesin-dependent roles in genomic stability. PLoS One. 15(10):e0235103. 

Zuilkoski CM, and Skibbens RV. 2020. PCNA promotes context-specific sister chromatid cohesion establishment separate from that of chromatin condensation. Cell Cycle. 19(19):2436-2450. 

Shen D, Skibbens RV. 2020. Promotion of Hyperthermic-Induced rDNA Hypercondensation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 214(3):589-604.

Shen, D., and Skibbens, RV.  (2017)  Chl1 DNA helicase and Scc2 function in chromosome condensation
through cohesin deposition. PLoS One 12(11):e0188739.

Banerji R, Skibbens RV, Iovine MK. (2017) Cohesin mediates Esco2-dependent transcriptional regulation in a zebrafish regenerating fin model of Roberts Syndrome. Biol Open 6(12):1802-1813.

Shen, D-L., and Skibbens, R. V. (2017) Temperature-dependent regulation of rDNA condensation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell Cycle 20: 1-10.

Banerji, R., Eble, D., Iovine, M.K., Skibbens, RV (2016). Esco2 regulates cx43 expression during skeletal regeneration in the zebrafish fin. Dev Dyn. 2015 Oct 5. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24354.

Tong, K. and Skibbens, RV (2015). Pds5 regulators segregate cohesion and condensation pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PNAS 112 (22); 7021-7026.

Tong, K. and Skibbens, RV (2014). Cohesin without Cohesion: A Novel Role for Pds5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One 9 (6); e100470.

Rudra, S., Skibbens, RV (2013). Chl1 DNA Helicase Regulates Scc2 Deposition Specifically during DNA-Replicaation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One 8 (9): e75435.

Rudra, S. and Skibbens, R. V. (2012). Sister Chromatid cohesion establishment occurs in concert with lagging strand synthesis. Cell Cycle 11: 2114-2121.

Maradeo, M. E., Garg, A. and Skibbens, R. V. (2010). RFC small subunit regulation of sister chromatid pairing reactions in budding yeast. Cell Cycle 9 (21): 4370-4378.

Maradeo, M. E. and Skibbens, R. V. (2010). Replication factor C complexes play unique pro- and anti-establishment roles in sister chromatid cohesion. PLoS ONE 5 (10): e15381.

Maradeo, M. E. and Skibbens, R. V. (2010). Epitope tag-induced synthetic lethality between cohesin subunits and Ctf7/Eco1 acetylatransferase. FEBS Letters 584: 4037-4040.

Skibbens, R. V., Marzillier, J. and Eastman, L. 2010. Cohesins coordinate gene transcriptions of related function within Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell Cycle 9:8, 1601-1606.

Maradeo, M.E. and Skibbens, R.V. 2009. The Elg1-RFC clamp-loading complex performs a role in sister chromatid cohesion.  PLoS ONE 4(3): e4707.

Skibbens, RV., Ringhoff, DN., Marzillier, J., Cassimeris, L., and Eastman, L. 2008. Positional Analyses of BRCA1-dependent Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell Cycle 7: 3928-3934.

Brands, A. and Skibbens, RV. 2008. Sister Chromatid Cohesion Role for CDC28-CDK in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 180: 7-16.  

Skibbens, R.V., Sie, C., and Eastman, L. 2008. Role of Chromosome Segregation Genes in BRCA1-dependent Lethality. Cell Cycle 7: 2071-2072. 

 Antoniacci, LM, Kenna, MA, and Skibbens, RV. 2007. The nuclear envelope and spindle pole body-associated Mps3 protein bind telomere regulators and function in telomere clustering. Cell Cycle 6: 75-79.  

 Milutinovich, M., Unal, E., Ward, C., Skibbens, RV. and Koshland, D. 2007. A multi-step pathway for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. PLoS Genet. 3: e12-e17.  

 Noble, D., Kenna, MA., Dix, M., Skibbens, RV., Unal, E. and Guacci, V. 2006. Intersection between the regulators of sister chromatid cohesion establishment and maintenance in budding yeast indicate a multi-step mechanism. Cell Cycle 5: 2528-2536.  

 Antoniacci, L.M. and R. V. Skibbens.  2006. Sister-chromatid cohesion is non-redundant and resists both spindle forces and telomere motility. Current Biology 16: 902-906. 

 Brands, A. and Skibbens, R. V. 2005. Ctf7p/Eco1p exhibits acetyltransferase activity – but does it matter? Current Biology 15: R50-51. 

 Antoniacci, L. M., Kenna, M. A., Uetz, P., Fields, S., and Skibbens, R. V. 2004.The spindle pole body assembly component Mps3p/Nep98p functions in sister chromatid cohesion. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 49542-49550. 

 Skibbens, R.V. 2004. Chl1p, a DNA helicase-like protein in budding yeast, functions in sister chromatid cohesion. Genetics 166: 33-42. 

 Bellows, A.M., Kenna, M.A., Cassimeris, L., and Skibbens, R.V. 2003. Human EFO1p exhibits acetyltransferase activity and is a unique combination of linker histone and Ctf7p/Eco1p chromatid cohesion establishment domains. Nucleic Acids Research. 31: 6334-6343. 

 Kenna, M. and Skibbens, R.V. 2003. Mechanical Link between Cohesion Establishment and DNA Replication: Ctf7p/Eco1p, a Cohesion Establishment Factor, Associates with Three Different Replication Factor C Complexes. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23: 2999-3007. 

 Skibbens, R. V., L. B. Corson, D. Koshland and P. Hieter. 1999. Ctf7p is essential for sister chromatid cohesion and links mitotic chromosome structure to the DNA replication machinery. Genes & Development 13(3):307-319.  

Shaw, S. L., P. Maddox, R. V. Skibbens, E. Yeh, E. D. Salmon and K. Bloom. 1998. Nuclear and spindle dynamics in budding yeast. Mol. Biol. Cell 9(7): 1627-1631. 

Skibbens, R. V. and E. D. Salmon. 1997. Micromanipulation of chromosomes in mitotic newt cells: tension controls the state of kinetochore movement. Exp. Cell Research 235(2):314-324.

Waters, J. C., R. V. Skibbens and E. D. Salmon. 1996. Oscillating mitotic newt lung cell kinetochores are, on average, under tension and rarely push. J. Cell Science 109:2823-2831.  

Yeh, E., R. V. Skibbens, J. W. Cheng, E. D. Salmon, and K. Bloom. 1995. Spindle dynamics and cell cycle regulation of dynein in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Cell Biol. 130(3): 687-700.  

Skibbens, R. V., C. L. Rieder, and E. D. Salmon. 1995. Kinetochore motility after severing between sister centromere using laser microsurgery: Evidence that kinetochore directional instability and position are regulated by tension. J. Cell Science 108(7):2537-2548.  

Skibbens, R. V., V. P. Skeen and E. D. Salmon. 1993. Directional instability of kinetochore motility during chromosome congression and segregation in mitotic newt lung cells: a push-pull mechanism. J. Cell Biol. 122(4):859-875.  

Gliksman, N. R., R. V. Skibbens, and E. D. Salmon. 1993. How the transition frequencies of microtubule dynamic instability (nucleation, catastrophe, and rescue) regulate microtubule dynamics in interphase and mitosis: Analysis using a Monte Carlo computer simulation. Mol. Biol. Cell 4:1035-1050.  

Yeh, G., H. Marsh, G. Carson, M. Concino, S. Scesney, R. Kuestner, R. Skibbens, K. Donahue, L. Berman, and S. Ip. 1991. Recombinant soluble human complement receptor Type 1 inhibits inflammation in the reversed passive Arthus reaction in rats. J. Immun. 146:250-256.  

Hertzberg, E. L. and R. V. Skibbens. 1984. A protein homologous to the 27,00 Dalton liver gap junction protein is present in a wide variety of species and tissues. Cell 39:61-69.  



Undergraduate Level Courses

BIOS 328 - Immunology

Graduate Level Courses

BIOS 411 - Program Core: Advanced Cell Biology