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Ju Lu, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University

Ju Lu

Assistant Professor

0111 - Iacocca Hall

Ph.D. in neurobiology, Harvard University (2008)

B.Eng. in microelectronics, Tsinghua University (2002)

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Selected Publications

  • Kogan E*, Lu J*#, Zuo Y#. (2023) Cortical circuit dynamics underlying motor skill learning: from rodents to humans. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 16: 1292685 (*: equal contribution; #: corresponding author)
  • Gredell M, Lu J, Zuo Y (2023) The effect of single-cell knockout of Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein on synaptic structural plasticity. Front. Synaptic Neurosci. 15: 1135479
  • Perna J*, Lu J*, Mullen B, Liu T, Tjia M, Weiser S, Ackman J, Zuo Y (2021) Perinatal penicillin exposure affects cortical development and sensory processing. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 14: 704219 (*: equal contribution)
  • Lu J*#, Tjia M*, Mullen B, Cao B, Lukasiewicz K, Shah-Morales S, Weiser S, Cameron LP, Olson DE, Chen L, Zuo Y# (2021) A novel psychedelic analog restores functional neural circuits disrupted by unpredictable stress. Mol. Psychiatry 26(11): 6237-52 (*: equal contribution; #: corresponding author)
  • Liu T, Lu J, Lukasiewicz K, Pan B, Zuo Y (2021) Stress induces microglia-associated synaptic circuit alterations in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. Neurobiol. Stress 15: 100342
  • Lukasiewicz K, Baker J, Zuo Y, Lu J* (2021) Serotonergic psychedelics in neural plasticity. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 14: 748359 (*: corresponding author)
  • Lu J*, Zuo Y* (2021) Shedding light on learning and memory: optical interrogation of the synaptic circuitry. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 67: 138-44 (*: corresponding author)
  • Cameron LP, Tombari RJ, Lu J, Pell AJ, Hurley ZQ, Ehinger Y, Vargas MV, McCarroll MN, Taylor JC, Myers-Turnbull D, Liu T, Yaghoobi B, Laskowski LJ, Anderson EI, Zhang G, Viswanathan J, Brown BM, Tjia M, Dunlap LE, Rabow ZT, Fiehn O, Wulff H, McCorvy JD, Lein PJ, Kokel D, Ron D, Peters J, Zuo Y, Olson DE (2021) A non-hallucinogenic psychedelic analogue with therapeutic potential. Nature 589: 474-9
  • McBurney-Lin J*, Lu J*, Zuo Y, Yang H (2019) Locus coeruleus – norepinephrine modulation of sensory processing and perception: a focused review. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 105: 190-9 (*: equal contribution)
  • Attardo A, Lu J, Kawashima T, Okuno H, Fitzgerald J, Bito H, Schnitzer MJ (2018) Long-term consolidation of ensemble neural plasticity patterns in hippocampal area CA1. Cell Rep. 25: 640-50
  • Chen C-C, Lu J, Yang R, Ding JB, Zuo Y (2018) Selective activation of parvalbumin interneurons prevents stress-induced synapse loss and perceptual defects. Mol. Psychiatry 23(7):1614-25
  • Jing M, Zhang P, Wang G, Feng J, Mesik L, Zeng J, Jiang H, Wang S, Looby JC, Guagliardo NA, Langma LW, Lu J, Zuo Y, Talmage DA, Role LW, Barrett PQ, Zhang LI, Luo M, Song Y, Zhu JJ, Li Y (2018) A genetically-encoded fluorescent acetylcholine indicator for in vitro and in vivo studies. Nat. Biotechnol. 36(8): 726-37
  • Lu J, Zuo Y (2017) A local rebalancing act leads to global benefit. Neuron 96: 712-3
  • Tao X*, Lu J*, Lam T, Rodriguez R, Zuo Y, Kubby J (2017) A three-photon microscope with adaptive optics for deep-tissue in vivo structural and functional brain imaging. Proc. SPIE 10051, Neural Imaging and Sensing, 100510R (*: equal contribution)
  • Lu J*, Zuo Y (2016) Clustered structural and functional plasticity of dendritic spines. Brain Res. Bull. 129: 18-22 (*: corresponding author)
  • Lu J, Zuo Y (2015) Forgetfulness illuminated. Nature 525: 324
  • Fitzgerald JE*, Lu J*, Schnitzer MJ (2012) Estimation theoretic measure of resolution for stochastic localization microscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109(4): 048102 (*: equal contribution)
  • Fu M, Yu X, Lu J, Zuo Y (2012) Repetitive motor learning induces coordinated formation of paired dendritic spines in vivo. Nature 483: 92-5
  • Lu J (2011) Neuronal tracing for connectomic studies. Neuroinformatics 9(2-3): 159-66
  • Brown KM, Barrionuevo G, Canty AJ, De Paola V, Hirsch JA, Jefferis GS, Lu J, Snippe M, Sugihara I, Ascoli GA (2011) The DIADEM data sets: representative light microscopy images of neuronal morphology to advance automation of digital reconstructions. Neuroinformatics 9(2-3): 143-57
  • Lu J*, Min W*, Conchello J-A, Xie XS, Lichtman JW (2009) Super-resolution laser scanning microscopy through spatiotemporal modulation. Nano Lett. 9(11): 3883-9 (*: equal contribution)
  • Lu J, Fiala JC, Lichtman JW (2009) Semi-automated reconstruction of neural processes from large numbers of fluorescence images. PLoS ONE 4(5): e5655
  • Lu J, Tapia JC, White OL, Lichtman JW (2009) The interscutularis muscle connectome. PLoS Biol. 7(2): e32
  • Lu J, Lichtman JW (2007) Imaging the neuromuscular junction over the past centuries. Sheng Li Xue Bao (Acta Physiol. Sinica) 59(6): 683-96 (no doi)
  • Wu S, Shi Y, Mulligan P, Gay F, Landry J, Liu H, Lu J, Qi HH, Wang W, Nickoloff JA, Wu C, Shi Y (2007) A YY1-INO80 complex regulates genomic stability through homologous recombination-based repair. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 14(12): 1165-72
  • Livet J, Weissman TA, Kang H, Draft RW, Lu J, Bennis RA, Sanes JR, Lichtman JW (2007) Transgenic strategies for combinatorial expression of fluorescent proteins in the nervous system. Nature 450: 56-62


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