Grunberg R.L., Halliday F.W., Heckman R.W., Joyner B.N., O’Keeffe K.R., Mitchell, C.E. (2023) Disease decreases variation in host community structure in an old-field grassland. PLOS ONE. 18(10): e0293495. (
O’Keeffe, K., Oppler, Z.J., Prusinski, M., Falco, R., Oliver, J., Haight, J., Sporn, L.A., Backenson, P.B., Brisson, D. (2022). Phylogeographic dynamics of the arthropod vector, the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis). Parasites & Vectors. 15, 238. (
O’Keeffe, K.R., Wheeler, B., Mitchell, C.E. (2022). A microbial mutualist within host individuals increases parasite transmission between host individuals: Evidence from a field mesocosm experiment Frontiers in Microbiology. 13 (
O’Keeffe, K.R., Simha, A., Mitchell, C.E. (2021). Indirect interactions among parasites and a microbial mutualist impact disease progression. Proc. R. Soc. B. 20211313. (
O’Keeffe, K.R., Halliday, F.W., Jones, C.D., Carbone, I., Mitchell, C.E., (2021). Parasites, niche modification, and the host microbiome: A field survey of multiple parasites. Molecular Ecology, 30: 2404-2416 (
O’Keeffe, K.R., Oppler, Z.J., Brisson, D. (2020) Evolutionary Ecology of Lyme Borrelia. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 85:104570 ( (invited review)
O’Keeffe, K.R. and Jones, C.D. (2019) Challenges and Solutions for Analyzing Dual RNA-seq Data for Non-Model Host/Pathogen Systems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10:401-414 (
*Highlighted in the Methods in Ecology and Evolution blog:
Hansen, W.D., Scholl, J.P., Sorensen, A.E., Fisher, K., Klassen, J., Calle, L., Kandlikar, G., Kortessis, N., Kucera, D., Marias, D., Narango, D.L., O’Keeffe, K.R., Planas, A., Recart, W., Ridolfi, E., and Shay. M. (2018). How do we ensure the future of our discipline is vibrant? Student reflections on careers and culture of ecology. Ecosphere, 9(2):e02099 (
O’Keeffe, K.R. and Bain, R. (2018) ComSciCon-Triangle: Regional Science Communication Training for Graduate Students. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 19(1) (
O’Keeffe, K.R., Carbone, I., Jones, C.D., Mitchell, C.E. (2017). Plastic Potential: how the phenotypes and adaptations of pathogens are influenced by microbial interactions within plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 38:78-83 ( (invited review)
Bowman, T.A., O’Keeffe, K.R., D’Aquila, T., Yan, Q.W., Griffin, J.D., Killion, E.A., Mashek, D.G., Buhman, K.K., and Greenberg, A.S. (2016). Acyl CoA synthetase 5 (ACSL5) Ablation in Mice Increases Energy Expenditure and Insulin Sensitivity and Delays Fat Absorption. Molecular Metabolism, 5(3) (
Book chapters:
Oppler, Z.J., O’Keeffe, K.R., McCoy K.D., Brisson D. (2020) “Evolutionary genetics of Borrelia.” In Borrelia: Molecular Biology, Host Interaction and Pathogenesis. Eds. D. Scott Samuels and Justin D. Radolf. Caister Academic Press. (