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Shawn Burton, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh Universtiy

Shawn Burton

Research Assistant Professor
B328 - Iacocca Hall

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Research Statement

The olfactory system is critical to several aspects of behavior and survival in mammals, including humans. The olfactory bulb, the first processing station of the brain’s olfactory system, is not only essential for olfactory perception and learning, but constitutes an exceptional model system for the study of neural circuits and computation, capable of encoding a highly complex sensory space within a compact and well-organized structure.

Our work seeks to advance understanding of neural coding within the mouse olfactory bulb and broader olfactory system to provide insight into both mammalian olfaction and fundamental principles of brain function. To achieve this, we use an array of techniques, including acute slice electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, functional imaging, genetic targeting, molecular perturbations, behavioral assays, and simulations. Current projects focus on identifying novel cell types and synaptic connections and understanding how sensory experience alters their overall circuit function, with particular focus on: 1) how synaptic motifs like recurrent and lateral inhibition can support behavioral discrimination of odorants, and 2) how parallel circuit architecture can support the simultaneous encoding of complementary olfactory information.